Saturday, January 7, 2012

exersice. this sh@% is pretty good!

i went with a friend to the gym this morning. going with a friend really makes a difference. knowing she was going to honk her horn at 8:50 this morning got me out of bed on time. it helps that my husband is a morning person and made sure i got up.
i did her usual routine and i liked it. so, maybe i am not as much as a loner as i thought. maybe i just always wanted to be alone so i could drink by myself and no one would know. aahhhh.
it's still early, and i have Christmas decorations to take down. Why does that have to suck so much?
well, exersice definately replaced any ideas of drinking this morning. i am going tomorrow too, with the same friend.
i am truly excited to get rid of these beefy arms. woot woot!

1 comment:

  1. Jodi, my heart is swelling with pride and love for you! Press on for Jesus leaving what is behind! You can do this! He who is in you is greater then he that is in the world!
